Friday, November 13, 2009

Oh, what a baaad blogger I've been...

Hello dearies, I've been away from the blog for a few months. Ever since school started back up I've been more busy and feeling less creative.

'Oh, that's crappy' you say. Well yes my friend, it is indeed pretty crappy. Being underwhelmed with craftiness is like having your brain itch. You want to scratch that itch so badly, if only in the hope that something will happen. Doing this literally will only result in the loss of a clump of hair. Not cute.

None of this is to say that I've stopped making stuff, it just doesn't light me up as much as it used to. I'm still knitting regularly. I've recently finished a beautiful blue wrap for a friend's birthday present and two scarves that I plan on posting to Etsy. I'm currently working on a pair of fingerless gloves for a lady who is giving me a chair for my apartment.

Hahah, I can hear a bunch of you saying to yourselves "What apartment!?" My dear, dear, dear parents own the duplex behind our house, we're currently having some (okay, a bunch) of work done on it so that I can move in within the next few months. Exciting? Very.

Sooooooo, that's what's up. I'm going to try blogging and crafting more. This is what I want to do with my life. I want to make beautiful things that will make people happy and get paid for it. I guess I need to start getting good at it

A final note for the day, this is the blog of a very cool gal, she is my job inspiration. Her name is Emily Martin and she is able to support herself entirely off of the money she makes from her Etsy. Behold:

Bye bye!
